
What a year it has been. We have had joy, heartache, accomplishments and oh yes, my favorite part lots of traveling! Here's a look back at the last year...

Roxy - Our year last year did not start off the greatest. Right before Christmas we found out that our rottwieler, Roxy developed bone cancer called, osteosarcoma. For those of you that do not know, Roxy was my gift to Todd when he graduated from high school. She came with a lot of memories for both of us. She fought the cancer for 5 months, and they had told us she would only make it 2 months. Thanks to a dear friend Carrie Fay she was able to capture some amazing pictures of us with her.

In 2010 Todd and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary. We have a tradition for our anniversary, we go to Disneyland! We feel like little kids when we go, and have so much fun! This past year we went with some awesome friends Ronny, Denise and Seth! And boy did we all have fun, in fact Seth got a little annoyed with us because the adults were having more fun than him! We think we have the Hockman's talked into coming again this year. Yeah!!!!

Snow Bowl! Now some of you may know, but when Todd and I went on our honeymoon we took snowboarding lessons, and needless to say I got extremely frustrated. I ended up taking my board off and walking down the slopes. We went to Flagstaff in February and I thought ok, it has been a few years I will try this again. Well once again I got frustrated 1 hour into it, and the board came off again and to the lodge I went! Oh, well. It was a great trip with great friends!

Truck Covered in snow - Raddison Woodlands in Flag



Nursing School!!! Oh, I could say many things about this adventure, but all I will say it thank goodness it is over. I developed some lifelong relationships, had many sleepless nights, screamed and cried at the same time more times than I will admit to and developed an awful habit called...caffeine! School was 2 years and I finished in May of 2010. I am so thankful for everyone who helped me through this journey. But mostly to Todd, I never could have made it through these last two years without his support and love. P.S. - graduating Nursing School= a MacBook Pro and a new car!

Nursing Girls! Thank you Ginger for taking our pics!

Catalina - We have been so blessed to have the opportunity to travel each year. This is probably our favorite thing to do, we love experiencing new places and meeting people. Luckily we have found friends that love to travel as much as we do, and most of the time we are all joined at the hip. Ronny, Denise, Seth, Todd and I are all scuba divers and so for our trip this year we decided to grace Catalina Island with our presence! It was a great trip and we had so much fun, we even got Stacy, the girls and some of their family to join us in Catalina for a day. The diving was great (cold), but a week to remember!

Fancy - Right before we got got married Todd gave me my sweet Fancy dog as a christmas gift. She was the cutest puppy. This past September we tragically lost her. Fancy was a great dog, she was full of joy, many people called her "Fancy Pants". She loved everyone, especially kids. We will miss her and love her always.

Brinkly - With the loss of two dogs this past year, we thought maybe we would lay low and be animal free for awhile. That idea lasted for oh, about 5 minutes and then we realized our house was too quite and we had to have another dog. And, with that idea came Brinkly (aka, purple lady). She is a great dog, and we love her to pieces!

First Day Home

Thanksgiving 2010

Looking ahead! Make sure you come back and check in every once in awhile! We have some pretty cool things happening this year!



Ginger said...

Love this post! Thanks for the motivation to do this AND list my goals on a post this week! Love ya!

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